Welfare Indicators of Tambrauw Regency 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tambrauw Regency

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Welfare Indicators of Tambrauw Regency 2023

Catalog Number : 4102004.9109
Publication Number : 91090.2341
Release Date : December 22, 2023
File Size : 13.3 MB


Inkesra Tambrauw District 2023 is an annual publication that presents indicators that can be used to assess the welfare conditions of the people over time in Tambrauw District. Data is presented in tables and graphs. In some review tables, the data presented is differentiated by gender to observe gender differences in certain aspects. In this publication, the welfare of the people is observed from various specific aspects, namely population, health, education, workforce, consumption patterns and poverty, housing, and other social indicators. Based on the interim projection results from 2021 to 2023, the population of Tambrauw District in 2023 reached 129,963 people, with a composition of 68,564 males and 61,399 females. The increase in the level of welfare in Tambrauw District in the health sector is evident from the percentage of the population experiencing health complaints, which did not exceed 10 percent. In 2023, the illness rate for Tambrauw's male population was 5.33 percent, while for females, it was 7.21 percent. In the field of education, on average, individuals aged 15 and above successfully completed their education with a high school diploma or higher. Regarding consumption patterns, the per capita monthly expenditure in Tambrauw District in 2023 was dominated by non-food expenditure, approximately 51.86 percent of the total per capita monthly expenditure (Rp 850,412.00), while the remainder was used for food expenditure (Rp 789,314.00). The condition and quality of the houses occupied are indicators that can be used to indicate the socio-economic status of households. In 2023, 92.27 percent of households in Tambrauw District lived in houses that they owned.
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